What Exactly Do You Do?
We help people push down and bury negative sites on Google. In an ideal world we should control every asset appearing on the top 3 pages of Google for our name, or other keywords people use to find us.
To push down and bury a site we will create social media profiles, web 2.0 properties and websites as needed, and use advanced SEO strategies to push these up Google above the negative site.
We have been specialising in this for over 10 years now, and have been interviewed or mentioned by the BBC, Sky News, The Times, The Telegraph, Singapore Business Times, The Australian, The Ottawa Citizen and Accountancy Magazine.
If you want a free consultation about your personal online reputation, then please contact me for a brainstorming session to explore options.
Can a Page be completely removed from google?
In some cases, yes it can. For removal, the page needs to be inadequate, irrelevant, no longer relevant or excessive, and there is no or minimal public interest in keeping it listed.
What happens if the negative site is a news report publicising an event in the past like a court case that is damaging my reputation?
It makes no difference if the site is totally true. You have a right to privacy, and to use the internet to portray positive things about you rather than negative.
Who Will See The Negative Sites?
A large number of potential business contacts, friends, family and clients will see them. People use Google to look up someone’s name for two main reasons :
- To find out more about them and check if there is anything negative about them
- Just as a glorified phone book, to find your website or contact information
What Did Benjamin Franklin Say About This?
“It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it”
But We Already Have A Marketing Budget Which Has Been Allocated For Advertising And Other Promotion
Think again. If people see a negative page about you, they tend to believe there is no smoke without fire, so you would be pretty much wasting all your marketing budget. People always believe what others say about you as the absolute truth, and ignore what you say about yourself. You need to fix this first.
What Can Be Done To Help?
We can push down and bury the negatives sites where they will not be seen. We can also apply to have the page delisted from Google, and we can also help automate collection of positive reviews.
Ask these questions
When choosing a reputation management professional, I recommend you ask them the following 6 questions:
1) Do they have a solid reputation and track record themselves, with appearances on national TV, and in the national press going back several years?
2) Are they willing to meet you face to face in their office in Broxbourne, Hertfordshire to go through everything with you?
3) Are they happy to let you try out their services for one month, so that you see good results before you commit to a second month? (Or do they try and tie you into a long term contract?)
4) Is the person you speak to a reputation management expert, who co-ordinates everything himself. (Or is it a sales person, who will later on put you on to a customer support person who knows nothing and will fob you off with platitudes?)
5) Do they offer a realistic and fair price, based on the amount of work and skill that is needed? (Or do they offer a dirt cheap price that is too good to be true?)
6) Do they use cutting edge techniques? Are they split testing and improving them all the time? Are their techniques extremely effective, especially after the latest Panda and Penguin Google updates.
Dear Keith,
I would just like to say thank for all you hard work, availability on the phone and candid advice.
I appreciate it more than words can express.
It has been an extremely difficult time for me. A misunderstood comment on a phone call has caused me to make many hundreds of phone calls, spend thousands of pounds and shed hundreds of tears ;-( It has cost me my reputation, my friends and has had a profound effect on my business.
Your counsel and expertise has been invaluable.
Kind Regards,
Dr O...
My problem was that I had a complete stranger using my name because she had a grievance with another organisation, this was coming up within the first three results on Google when you googled my name, so right there at the top of the first page. Whilst not particularly damaging it was not the sort of impression I wanted to create when people looked me up (for prospective employers etc.) and it was causing me a problem with finding a job.
In researching the problem I found that there was a growing market for people in my position, and I realised I could do something about it which was a revelation. When I spoke to Keith he immediately understood my problem and was able to help me promote truthful/favourable results to the front of Google. Combined with a bit of deft content creation I have been able to ensure that the first four pages of Google are now results which are relevant to me. Even if someone does get up to Page 5 and see this result, they have already spent a good hour reading everything else there is to read about me first thus diluting the impact of any negative content and putting it in the proper context. This whole exercise has persuaded me of several things:
1. We all have a Google CV and if it doesn’t look good you are the one that is going to be made ultimately responsible for it regardless of how the results got there and how long ago.
2. Google’s results don’t submerge over time, thus one piece of bad news ten years ago seems just as relevant to Google as any other for a given search term.
3. People expect to see something about you or your company on Google. You may think anonymity is good, it isn’t. You have got to put on your PR hat and get yourself out there with accurate truthful content for people to find or they will feel frustrated.
4. Whatever they find, they will believe, in particular if they don’t know you.
5. People will rarely wade through all your results, they will look at the first page or two and when satisfied they have formed an accurate impression will stop there.
I’ve been delighted with Keith’s services and would recommend him to anyone who is concerned about their Google CV.

Kemp House, 152 City Road, London EC1V 2NX UK
Copyright 2023