I made the video above when my show was a marketing show. Now I am steering it in the direction of property, business and getting more thought leaders on.
The purpose is to just be totally honest, and not oversell. Just an opportunity to showcase our ideas, our personality and to build our personal brand. We are documenting our journeys rather than being slick salespeople. That is what people connect with. I got this idea from this blog post by Gary Vaynerchuk. If you don't believe in the value of how a personal brand can help your business, look at Kylie Jenner (worth approx $900m).
It is designed to be win/win.
We will have a zoom conversation which I will record and live stream to Facebook Live, Youtube Live and Linkedin Live. If you don't want to do it live, let me know, and we can do a prerecorded show instead, and then you can edit it. You don't need to prepare anything. I will just lead you though everything, ask easy questions. and just have a pleasant conversation.
The format of each episode will be discussion between us of between 30 and 60 minutes.
It will not be overly promotional as no one likes to be sold to. But people will be able to find your site afterwards as I will tag your Linkedin profile in the post or comment, plus I will link to your site in other places.
You can suggest a format for the show if you like. But usually I follow the basic structure below:-
1) I ask you about your story how you got to be where you are now
2) A teaching segment, where you teach me (and therefore our viewers) something. If you want to share your screen you can.
But it will be not be a monologue from you. There will be a lot of back and forth with me, going off on to tangents, then coming back to the main theme etc. The idea is that it is an exploration together on your specialist subject. A bit like "In Our Time" with Melvyn Bragg.
Also, if you can think of a good headline for the show, let me know and I can use it to promote the show in advance to get more live viewers. eg
"x will tell us how to y"
"x will tell us how to y with/without z"
( or anything at all really).
It is possible that we may also get questions from the live audience (if we are doing it live) which I can ask you.
I normally don't meet the person beforehand so that it is all fresh. The first time we talk about things is always the best!
The highest organic viewing figures so far for an episode from my show is 2,146 from my Linkedin feed, plus a whole lot more when the guest posted it onto her feed. Most viewers of my show are founders or executive directors and almost all viewers are based in the UK.
There will also be other viewers/listeners from Facebook Live, Youtube Live and my podcast. One recent show episode got over 500 views on Facebook. I might also put it on Twitter and/or my website. I would also recommend that you post it onto your assets. If you want the mp4 let me know, you can also edit out sections and repurpose it that way.
Other posts of mine on Linkedin reach up to 19k views (all organic). Also one of my videos on Facebook got 26k views.
If you see the post after the show on any platform (eg Facebook, Linkedin, Youtube, Twitter, Podcast), please like, comment and share, as that will help boost views a lot.

Message me if you would like to apply. Tell me a bit about yourself, and why you think you are a good fit for my show.
Click below to watch previous shows
I look forward to meeting you 🙂